




 広島や長崎で被災した多くの人々がそうであるように、原発災害の後、数十年たって心疾患や癌などに罹患した多くの原発立地自治体の住民に対しても、おそらく 「直接、放射能被曝との因果関係を証明することは難しい」といって、国は責任を回避する腹づもりなのだろうから、福井であれ、北海道であれ、島根であれ、原発立地自治体の住民は、ゆめゆめ、原発で最悪の事態が起こっても、政府が自分や家族の面倒を最後までちゃんと見てくれるに違いない」などといった甘い期待など抱くべきではない。


Fukushima Watch: What Do Deformed Butterflies Mean for Humans in Fukushima?

How vulnerable are species — including humans — to radiation?

European Pressphoto Agency
Severe mutations were found in butterflies collected near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. A healthy adult pale grass blue butterfly, top, and a mutated variety, bottom, can be seen in this photograph released by Joji Otaki on August 14.

This is a crucial question facing people around the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, who have to live with low-level radiation the government says is insignificant but whose long-term health consequences are still unknown.

At least one species – the pale grass blue butterfly – has been found to be vulnerable to such radiation exposure, with high rates of deformities detected among offspring, according to a research paper published in Scientific Reports last week.

This begs another question: Does that mean there will be an increase in deformities and mortality rates among humans also?

A team of Japanese scientists found a marked increase in mutations among the offspring of pale grass blue butterflies that were collected in Fukushima prefecture two months after the March 11 nuclear disaster last year.

The abnormalities included underdeveloped palpi and leg tarsus, dented eyes, rumpled or underdeveloped wings.

The incidence of deformities was even higher among butterflies collected four months after the first sample, pointing to a possibility of “mutation accumulation caused by continuous low-dose exposure through generations,” such as through the ingestion of contaminated leaves, the researchers said.

Such deformities can be recreated in the lab by applying relatively strong radiation — 55 millisieverts during the butterflies’ one-month life span, according to lead researcher, Prof. Joji Otaki of the University of the Ryukyus. “It is most likely that the abnormal phenotypes observed are produced by random mutations caused by the exposure to radiation,” the paper concludes.

No significant increase in genetic mutations was detected among samples taken in other prefectures such as Tokyo, Prof. Otaki said.

So what does this mean for humans? Not much, apparently.

Different species have different degrees of resistance to radiation. Even among insects, some species such as silk moths and melon flies are known to be highly resistant to radiation. “We just don’t know (about the likely impact on humans). Radiation sensitivity varies among species,” Prof. Otaki said.

Prof. Shinzo Kimura of Dokkyo Medical University, one of Japan’s best known radiation experts, agrees. “It is very inappropriate to apply the conclusion of this study to humans,” he said.That doesn’t mean we can ignore the safety risks of low level radiation, however.”

Many Fukushima residents are unable to move away from the area for financial reasons and continue to stay in the parts of the prefecture that are not off-limits.

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