









Could Fukushima Daiichi Be Ground Zero for the Next Big One?

The heft from last year’s powerful March 11 earthquake shocked a sleeping fault line close to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant back to life, according to a new scientific study. And based on their findings, the scientists who conducted the study warn the battered nuclear power plant should brace itself for another big one.

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in November 2011.
The new study from the European Geosciences Union, published on Tuesday, cautions that the seismic risk at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has increased because the magnitude 9 earthquake jolted the plates underneath the area into a more precarious position. But that’s not all: The real problem may be the fluids forming as a result of the Pacific plate digging under the adjacent Okhotsk plate. Japan’s northern region lies directly above the Okhotsk plate.
According to the scientists, the fluids threaten to swim up toward fault zones, where they can soak into the brittle crust of the earth along the fault line, reducing friction, pulling the fault lines apart and triggering another large earthquake.
While the epicenter of the March 11 quake occurred about 100 miles away from the Fukushima Daiichi plant, the scientists say the next big earth-shaker could be centered much closer. The scientists concluded it would be wise to strengthen the plant’s infrastructure accordingly. The report did not predict when the earthquake will hit, except to say it would be in the “near future.”
The team of geophysicists behind the study – all based at Tohoku University in Sendai City in northeastern Japan — analyzed a sample of over 6,000 earthquakes that occurred from June 2002 to October 2011, in the northeast region. With this data, they used seismic tomography to create a detailed portrait of the area that mapped out subterranean activity. The technique is similar to the way a CT or CAT scan can uncover tumors inside humans, the scientists explain.
The team focused on the strongest aftershock following the March 11 earthquake that was centered inland. That magnitude 7 temblor hit exactly a month after the March 11 quake, underneath Iwaki, a city located just 25 miles from the troubled plant.
“There are a few active faults in the nuclear power plant area, and our results show the existence of similar structural anomalies under both the Iwaki and the Fukushima Daiichi areas. Given that a large earthquake occurred in Iwaki not long ago, we think it is possible for a similarly strong earthquake to happen in Fukushima,” said team-leader Dapeng Zhao, a geophysics professor at Tohoku University, in a statement released Tuesday.
The big aftershock in Iwaki was caused by fluids ascending from the Pacific plate to the crust, said the scientists. The fluids are a product of the Pacific plate’s shifting beneath Japan’s northeast region. The plate’s movement raises the temperature and pressure of minerals inside it, causing them to dehydrate. The fluids released are then able to move around the thick rocks toward the upper crust. Mr. Zhao and his team believe that if enough of these fluids accumulate, they could push fault zones apart, raising the risk for serious seismic activity. The rocks below where the 1995 Kobe earthquake occurred underwent a similar process, the report says.
Iwaki has such a fault zone, which had been largely dormant until stresses from the March 11 earthquake jerked it back to life, the report said. According to the report, Japan’s seismic network recorded over 24,000 tremors around Iwaki, in the seven and a half months following March 11. That number is far higher than the 1,300 quakes detected in the same area in the nine years before then.
What is more, the paper concludes, the Fukushima Daiichi plant sits on top of crust displaying the same traits as the crust under Iwaki. The paper notes that the seismicity near the plant is relatively low compared to that near Iwaki, but says the ascending fluids can still be a threat. A fault line that runs close to the plant could be weakened by these fluids.
The paper’s parting words: “Therefore, much attention should be paid to the FNPP (Fukushima nuclear power plant) seismic safety in the near future.”
Comments (5 of 5)
    • one thing is clear now: you can not build/use nuclear plants and that kind of stuff on planet earth because planet earth is a geologically active planet
    • @Cleo. Amount of radiation in Tokyo is lower than New York. It is half of London. This is fact. Seattle had a big earthquake and tsunami 300 years ago.
    • They KNOW this and they still push for foreign tourists? How is THAT “honourable”? Gad, the BIGGEST A-bomb ever built BY Japanese FOR Japanese.
    • Japan needs to shut down their remaining nuclear plants down as soon as possible and buy gas from the U.S.
    • There is a largely unrecognized threat that can affect all nuclear plants. See 400 Chernobyls? on the Aesop Institute website to understand why and how.


      2012/2/16 11:54



         双葉断層は第1原発の西を南北40キロにわたって走っていて、北端は宮城県にかかる。原発までの距離は数キロ。趙教授は地下の構造に異常があって、地震を引き起こす可能性があると欧州の専門紙「Solid Earth」 に発表した。
         趙教授は「地震の時期、規模は言えません。ただ構造の異常がよく似ているということだ けです」という。しかし、もし起きたら福島原発はどうなるか。専門家は循環冷却系が破損する可能性をいう。当然、放射性物質が放出されるだろう。




         地震に耐えるかどうかだが、田中は耐震強度を加速度(Gal)を示した。福島原発の6つの原子炉が想定している加速度は412から487Galで、3.11のときは一部で550Galに達したが、概ね許容範囲内だったとして、補強を行わなくても安全としている。しかし、4月11日に起った井戸沢の地震(M7.0、 震度6弱) の最大加速度は2071.1Galだった。原発5号機の設計者の上原春男氏は「2000Gal以上の地震が直下で起きたら、正直怖いですね」と話す。


      時事通信 2月15日(水)20時0分配信
      研究成果は欧州の専門誌「Solid Earth」に14日、掲載された。

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