Fukushima Watch: Where to Draw the Evacuation Line?
By Yoree Koh
One of the many issues to emerge from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear crisis was the evacuation question: Where should the line be drawn? Existing guidelines for an evacuation area of 10-kilometers around an accident site seemed inadequate, and while the eventual area in last year’s accident was expanded to about twice the size, it still fell short of international recommendations.
- Associated Press/Greenpeace
- A member of Greenpeace monitors the radiation levels in a town 40 kilometers from the Fukushiima Daiichi nuclear power plant in April 2011.
The newly established Nuclear Regulation Authority has decided to tackle this matter from the get-go. The regulator is expected to propose widening Japan’s nuclear emergency evacuation guidelines to 30 kilometers, the recommended distance by the International Atomic Energy Agency. But before it has even made the recommendation, the regulator’s first projections analyzing how far radiation could spread in a Fukushima-like accident suggest contamination could spread even further than the targeted standard.
Data from the simulations released Wednesday show that accumulated radiation levels could hit 100 millisieverts within seven days in areas located over 30 kilometers away from four of the 16 nuclear plants reviewed. Evacuating people from areas hit by doses exceeding 100 millisieverts in the first week of an accident is another IAEA recommendation.
The simulations found radiation levels warranting evacuation orders under IAEA standards could be seen as far as 40.2 kilometers away from the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa plant in Niigata Prefecture, operated by the same utility that runs the Fukushima plant Tokyo Electric Power Co. 9501.TO -2.27% Meanwhile, radiation from three plants – Tepco’s Fukushima Daini Chubu Electric Power Co.'s 9502.TO -4.98%Hamaoka and Kansai Electric Power Co. 9503.TO -2.28%’s Oi – traveled a little past the 30-kilometer mark in the simulations.
The Oi power plant is home to the only two nuclear reactors currently online in Japan. The others remain offline after being idled for regular maintenance checks amid the heated debate over the safety of nuclear restarts.
The NRA conducted the simulations so they can be used as a kind of benchmark for local governments crafting new evacuation measures closer in line with international standards and for disaster management planning.
The NRA cautioned that the simulation results should only be used as a reference and are not absolute. For example, while it took historical weather patterns into account it did not factor in elements like the geological features around the plants or changes in wind directions.
During the Fukushima disaster, about 87,000 people within a 20-kilometer ring of the plant and some additional areas were ultimately forced to leave their homes. The government has relaxed the evacuation order twice, most recently in March, but most people have not returned.
The guidelines to be proposed by the NRA are expected to split evacuation calls into two categories: a 5-kilometer immediate evacuation zone for minor incidents, and a 30-kilometer band for major accidents.
But even a 30-kilometer guideline would fall well short of the 80-kilometer zone recommended by U.S. officials during the Fukushima disaster.
最悪事態回避は「幸運」 原発事故で岡田副総理発言
- 2012/10/7 0:01