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Election Watch: Hashimoto Blasts Noda Cabinet on Nuke Restarts
By Mitsuru Obe
The hottest politician in Japan these days — and one of the biggest threats to Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda — is Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto. As Mr. Noda appears to be moving closer to trying to restart idled nuclear reactors, Mr. Hashimoto is becoming more vocal in opposition. That could complicate Mr. Noda’s nuclear policy, and possibly frame the next general election.
- Reuters
- Yoshihiko Noda’s latest headache.
With most top politicians in Nagatacho dancing around the delicate question of whether to endorse restarting nuclear energy, Mr. Hashimoto openly opposes the idea — and has increasingly tied it to a broader criticism of the Noda administration.
“The government is ignoring due process for reactor restarts,” he told reporters Thursday. “This government cannot last long.”
He also called for more detailed debate on safety guidelines. “If all the government does is rubber-stamp the guidelines hastily crafted by NISA, they must be incapable of running the country at all,” he added, referring to the Nuclear Industrial Safety Agency, the main nuclear regulator.
That’s just Mr. Hashimoto’s latest effort to link himself with the country’s increasingly large antinuclear constituency, while he ramps up formation of a new political party, schooling candidates who can contest the next parliamentary elections. In a late March poll conducted by the Nikkei daily, 55% of those surveyed said they opposed restarting nuclear power plants — even after the government’s new stress tests — compared with just 32% supporting restarts.
Many antinuclear activists, in turn, see Mr. Hashimoto as a potentially convenient ally, a rallying point for various antinuclear movements, as neither of the two main parties—Mr. Noda’s ruling Democratic Party of Japan nor the Liberal Democratic Party—are strongly committed to abolishing nuclear power. Activists are aware that they have to go beyond rallies to winning elections to bring about change.
Under Mr. Hashimoto, Osaka City and Osaka prefecture jointly set up an energy strategy council in February with the goal of crafting a new economic growth model based on alternative energy. The council is examining power demand/supply projections in western Japan for this summer, whether reactors need to be restarted, and the potential for renewable energy to fill the gap.
On April 1, the council decided that the city should file a motion at a June shareholders meeting of Kansai Electric Power Co. calling on the company to exit from nuclear power. Kansai Electric runs the two reactors in Oi, Fukui Prefecture that are the first test cases for whether reactors should be allow to resume operation.
The city of Osaka is the largest shareholder in Kansai Electric, with a stake of 9%. It is calling for other cities — Kobe with 3%, Kyoto with 0.5% — to join in the motion.
Mr. Hashimoto appears to be doing all that while mindful of the possibility of imminent elections. No vote actually needs to be held until next year. But politicians have been preparing for the prospect that Mr. Noda may choose to call an election — or be forced to do so — as soon as this summer, if parliament fails to pass his sales tax hike. While most lawmakers expect such a contest to be fought over the tax issue, Mr. Hashimoto may try to turn it into a referendum on nuclear energy instead.
- Associated Press
- 大飯原発
- 賛成 (5%, 490票)
- 反対 (94%, 8,842票)
- どちらでもない (1%, 44票)