AUGUST 18, 2011, 1:19 PM JST
In Rare Tape, Fukushima Daiichi Chief Apologizes
By Kenneth Maxwell
Scenes from inside Fukushima Daiichi exist but are rare enough. But scenes from within the ravaged Tepco plant featuring its general manager, Masao Yoshida, making a direct apology for the consequences of the March 11 disasters, along with several bows, are even rarer.
- YouTube
- Masao Yoshida
Non-existent until now, in fact. While TV cameras have caught up with Mr. Yoshida before, his public appearances have been extremely rare, and the video released by Tepco Wednesday featuring Mr. Yoshida’s direct, on-camera apology–a matter of considerable sensitivity in Japan–is his first such comment within the context of an official company document.
“We sincerely apologize to all local residents, the people of Fukushima prefecture, and the general public for the anxiety and inconvenience caused by the accident,” says Mr. Yoshida. Expressing gratitude for support received from companies and organizations in Japan and elsewhere as well as for general encouragement from all corners, the plant director says the video is designed to explain the progress being made in the crisis-management program.
Others in the tape give the impression it’s steady as she goes in steering Fukushima Daiichi toward the goal of cold shutdown. It’s long on talking heads, much less so on scenes from critical areas of the complex. Figures from other companies involved in the efforts to contain the crisis, like Hitachi/GE, Toshiba Corp. and Shimizu also appear, explaining steps towards the ultimate goal of cold shutdown. All are clad in white Tyvek protective suits.
Reassuring or otherwise, the video contains little by way of enlightenment on conditions for workers as they go about their everyday tasks, nor on their off-duty routines. One brief long shot toward the end of the clip shows what appears to be a hangar-like structure containing row after row of tightly packed, empty bunk beds, with a handful of workers seated on the floor, in conversation. Banners and flags containing messages of support are also shown briefly.
In one reminder that workers at the plant also now have to deal with the summer heat while wearing protective suits and gas masks, an early scene displays measures to protect against heat stroke: chill packs are worn in lightweight vests, and fans attached to gas masks “allow for easy breathing and sweat evaporation,” according to the video.
In one insight, a doctor at the plant, Tomohisa Nagata, says that workers at the plant are so committed to the clean-up procedure that, “Sometimes they are hesitant to speak up when they are not feeling well…However, it is important to let me know for not only themselves, but also for their co-workers.” The video doesn’t disclose the type of ailments with which workers might be dealing.
At the end, the tape fades to a white screen with a written message from Mr. Yoshida that mingles determination with optimism: “We will make our utmost effort to bring the situation under control and enable evacuees to return to their homes as soon as possible.”
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