また、低線量被曝の研究者であるECRRのChristopher Basbey教授が来日し、東日本でいくつ
Fukushima LDP Lawmaker: My Party Also to Blame
By Kosaku Narioka
Perhaps inevitably, Japanese government officials have officially accepted the administration bears a degree of responsibility for the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear crisis in slightly clearer terms in recent days.
- European Pressphoto Agency
- Residents of Okuma pray for the victims of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami at a memorial service in Okuma on July 24. Okuma is located at 20 km from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
But in a less predictable turn, a lawmaker from the opposition Liberal Democratic Party took a stand Monday, saying her own party should also be blamed for the Fukushima accident, and to no small degree.
Upper house lawmaker Masako Mori said Monday during a special parliamentary committee session that the LDP, which had long ruled the roost in post-World War II–Japanese politics and promoted nuclear power policy for decades, is responsible for the recent crisis to a considerable degree.
“I think the Liberal Democratic Party has the big responsibility,” said the lawmaker, herself from Fukushima originally and the area she currently represents in parliament.
Ms. Mori is known for not holding back in loud exchanges in parliament, but began her comments Monday in a slow, sober tone, abandoning a prepared document before her. “As the ruling party, it (the LDP) had for a number of years promoted the nuclear power policy. This kind of accident occurred as a result. Our party has major, grave responsibility.”
“The accident seriously harmed those who work at the site and those affected in Fukushima and caused so much trouble to people around the country,” Ms. Mori continued without any notes. “Our party should trace back the history, reflect on it with sincerity, examine what went wrong and apologize to the people.”
Boldly admitting faults of one’s own party contrasts with the tone often struck in recent months by government officials, who have reiterated the stock phrase that “the primary responsibility for the accident falls on (Tokyo Electric Power Co., the nuclear plant operator) Tepco,” sticking to a narrow interpretation of the existing nuclear accident compensation law.
“I hate this phrase that ‘the primary responsibility falls on Tepco,’” Ms. Mori said in her comments. “People in Fukushima are saying that they are tired of hearing that.”
She said the government should bear the responsibility of the compensation payments as does Tepco.
Echoing recent departures from that line, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said Monday during the same committee session that the government has responsibility for being unable to prevent the Fukushima nuclear accident, as his cabinet attempts to secure the swift passage of a bill to create a state-backed entity to support Tepco financially.
The special committee approved the bills Tuesday to create the state-backed entity and to expedite provisional compensation payments to those affected. At the request of opposition lawmakers, the revised new entity bill added an article near the top stating the government has the social responsibility for having promoted the nuclear power policy.
http://mainichi.jp/select/weathernews/news/20110718ddm012040064000c.html東日本大震災:福島第1原発事故 内部被ばく最も懸念--クリストファー・バズビー氏
毎日新聞 2011年7月18日 東京朝刊
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投稿日時 - 2011-04-13 21:29:12
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